Want to learn more about atheism or secular life philosophies like humanism? Ever been discriminated against in the workplace or by the government because of your non-theistic views? Interested in defending or promoting the Constitutional principle of Church/State separation? Need help overcoming a substance abuse problem without the religious baggage that comes with programs like Alcoholics Anonymous? Concerned about creationism being taught in your children's classrooms? Fancy a good laugh?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you're in the right place. Below you will find a variety of resources to help answer these question and satisfy your curiosity.
Church/State Separation & Freethought Activism
- Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
- Secular Coalition for America
- Freedom From Religion Foundation
- Center For Inquiry
- American Atheists
- Secular Web
- Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
- James Randi Educational Foundation
- Restore the Pledge
- Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers
- Military Religious Freedom Foundation
- Anti-Discrimination Support Network
- Scouting For All
- Secular Student Alliance
Substance Abuse Assistance
- Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS)
- SMART Recovery®
- LifeRing Secular Recovery
- Recovery International
- Women For Sobriety, Inc.
- REBT Network
- REBT Network
- Albert Ellis Institute (AEI)
Organizations that Promote Humanism & Atheism
- Council for Secular Humanism
- American Humanist Association
- The Humanist Resource Connection
- Atheists United
- Positive Atheism
- The Institute for Humanist Studies
- The Continuum of Humanist Education
- International Humanist and Ethical Union
- Atheist Alliance International
- Atheist Parents
- The Brights
- Atheism Resource
Evolution & Creationism/ID Education
- National Center for Science Education
- The TalkOrigins Archive
- The Leakey Foundation
- Science, Evolution, and Creationism
- Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science
- Evolution Research News
Religion & Cults/Education & Criticism
- Skeptics Annotated Bible
- Skeptics Annotated Quran
- Skeptics Annotated Book of Mormon
- The Internet Sacred Text Archive
- Operation Clambake
- Ross Institute's Cult Archives
- International Cultic Studies Association
- Cult Awareness and Information Library
- Evil Bible.com
- Bible Stories Your Parents Never Taught You
Freethought Magazines & Newspapers
- Free Inquiry
- The Humanist
- American Atheist
- Skeptical Inquirer
- Freethought Today
- Church & State
- Skeptic
Urban Legends & Hoaxes
Satire & Humor
- I Am An Atheist
- Landover Baptist
- Mr. Deity
- Betty Bowers
- Church of Subjenius
- Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
- Darwin Awards
- FreeThunk!
Note: This list is by no means comprehensive…suggestions are welcome.